Dashboard will allow to understand the behaviour and trends inside premium subscriptions with breakdowns by Company and by particular users. Also it's possible to analyse the behaviour over time since June-16 (The Lawyer).
The dashboard is composed by divided in three views:
- Company List: Table with 9 metrics mainly referring to site metrics as Page Views, Visits and Unique Visitors. The table can be possible be filtered by 5 dimension: Date, Standard Company, Law Firm Ranking, Law Firm Region and Type of Traffic.
- User List: Same table described above but at the level of User defined as Email. The filters change for
- Type of Traffic: Graph and table showing the behaviour over time about all premium subscription or a particular standard company.
The dashboard is located in :
Legal --> Newsletter & Registrations --> Premium Subscription
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What are the Page Views on a particular Company and date (ie. Clifford Chance on Aug-16) ?
In the Company view where it says Select the date iat the begging select from 01-08-2016 and the end of the filter select 31-08-2016. This will give all the August data, if you scroll down until the bottom you will see the grand total for each metric. After where it says Standard Company you type or select Clifford Chance. -
What are the most active users of a Particular Company (ie. LinkLaters)?
In the User View where it says Select Company search for Linklaters at will show ordered by Page Views what are the users with more activity. On top of that you can add a specific date from the bottom. -
What is the distribution of traffic between Registered and Premium content?
In the Company view you will see two metrics Registered Content without barrier and Premium Content without barrier. The numbers in here it will show how the page views are distributed. This two metrics against the total number of page views will have differences because total page views consider also the access to the free content. How many contacts access to the sites by company?
It's the dashboard exportable to PDF?
What are the top 10 most active companies in a pa
Append of Animations:
What are the Page Views on a particular Company and date (ie. Clifford Chance on Aug-16) ?
- Select the date (ie Aug-16)
2. Select the Company (ie Clifford Chance)